Planning to study in Canada? Here's everything Bangladeshi students need to know

Studying in Canada is one of the most exciting things that a lot of Bangladeshi students dream about. It's an excellent option because it has an educated, diverse and related population. 

However, studying in this country is not a walk in the park. To make things easier, you’ll need to follow a guideline to study in Canada for Bangladeshi students so that you can understand the whole application process.

In this article, we’ll tell you all of the processes needed to study in Canada as a Bangladeshi student, the education system, the costs involved, and the benefits. Let’s dive into it.

Why Study in Canada from Bangladesh?

There are many reasons that make Canada an excellent choice for students from Bangladesh who want to study abroad. These include:

  • Academic Excellence

The quality of education in Canada is recognized around the globe. With a wide range of options, it’ll be easier for you to find a program that suits your interests and career goals. You can either get into small or large universities, depending on your education level.

  • Quality Education

There’s no doubt that the education quality in Canada is among the highest in the world. In addition to this, you’ll get access to great facilities and resources as well as a vibrant community that’ll support you throughout your studies and future.

  • Permanent Residency and Canadian Immigration

You’ll get the chance to work in Canada after completing PWPP, also called the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program. That way you can work there for three years only when you finish your studies. 

Now, that’ll help you if you plan to apply for permanent residency in Canada.

  • A Safe Place to Study

As an international student interested in studying in Canada, you’ll enjoy equality, human rights, a peaceful society, freedom of speech, and religion. This is why Canada consistently ranks as one of the best places in the world to live. 

  • Working in Canada

As an international student, you’ll get 20 hours to work per week during the semester and on vacation 40 hours per week. Plus, there’re programs in Canada that offer paid co-ops which you’ll provide you with real-life working experience in the industry.

There’s a Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) for which you can apply after finishing your programs. Please, check CIC Website to learn more about the process.

How is The Education System in Canada?

Canada’s education system has 4 general levels pre-elementary, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education.

  • Pre-Elementary Education in Canada

  • Elementary or Primary

  • Secondary 

  • Post-Secondary 

If you want to have comprehensive details, you can go here.

Best Courses to Study in Canada for Bangladeshi Students

The following list includes some of the best courses to study in Canada for Bangladeshi students:

  1. Information Technology (IT)
  2. Business Management.
  3. Health & Medicine.
  4. Engineering.
  5. Tourism and Hospitality
  6. Computer Science.
  7. Nursing.
  8. Economics.
  9. Agriculture Science and Forestry
  10. Media & Journalism.

Top Universities of Canada for International Students

There are many universities in Canada, but there are some that stand out among the rest. Here’s a list of universities that international students should consider applying to if they want to study in Canada:

  1. University of Toronto
  2. University of Ottawa
  3. University of British Columbia
  4. University of Waterloo
  5. University of Montreal
  6. McGill University
  7. University of Alberta
  8. Western University
  9. University of Calgary
  10. McMaster University

How to Apply to Universities in Canada?

Canada has a strong history of excellence in postgraduate degree programs that provide students a three-year work visa. Recently, bachelor's degrees have grown in popularity among students looking to increase their employment chances by spending 3 to 5 years in school.

There are many factors that should be considered when applying to Canadian universities.

  • First, make a list of well-ranking universities that offer a proper program for your chosen field of study.
  • Then, study those colleges' entrance criteria.
  • Each university has its own requirements and deadline for submitting applications, so make sure you keep track of them all and don't miss any! 
  • It's also important that some schools require certain documents or forms, so make sure those are included too!
  • Finally, if you’re a top scorer, you’re more likely to get a chance at ranking universities.

Study in Canada Without IELTS

It’s not mandatory to provide an IELTS score in order to study abroad in Canada. In fact, many universities offer alternatives to this test. Here are some of them:

  • Provide TOEFL, PTE, and Duolingo English Test scores.
  • Submit a document that proves you’ve studied in an English Medium school for 4 years at least.
  • Students whose native language is English also don’t need to give IELTS scores.
  • Lastly, you can try out English Language courses provided by some universities to assist students who can’t deliver IELTS scores.

What are the Requirements for Study in Canada for International Students?

Mainly, the requirements include English proficiency, a valid visa, and a financial statement to show that a student is capable of studying in Canada. Let’s learn them in detail.

English Requirements for Study in Canada

To attain undergraduate programs, you’ll need a minimum of 5.5 IELTS score along with a 3.00 GPA from SSC and HSC or O-levels and A-levels.

And for postgraduate, you’ll require a 6.0 IELTS score along with a 2.50 CGPA of a bachelor’s degree.

Visa Requirements for Study in Canada

  • A letter of acceptance from your institution or university. 
  • A valid passport.
  • Proof of funds demonstrating your ability to support yourself or any accompanying partner while in Canada
  • Evidence that you’ve submitted your tuition payments to the university.

Financial Requirements for Study in Canada

A Canada Study Permit requires proof of unobstructed accessible funds worth $13,134 CAN on average to pay for college and accommodation costs. And you can prove that through —

  • Evidence of a Canadian bank statement containing the funds transferred.
  • A Canadian bank's Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC). (Only for SDS countries)
  • Evidence of a bank or education loan.
  • Bank details for the last four months are required.
  • A bank draft redeemable in Canadian currency.
  • Documentation for your tuition and lodging payment.
  • A document from an individual or a school offering you payment.
  • If you are a scholarship holder or are enrolled in a Canadian-funded degree institution, you must provide proof of financing from within Canada.

Cost of Studying in Canada for Bangladeshi Students

Here, we are going to share the cost of studying in Canada for Bangladeshi students.

  • Living Cost of Studying in Canada

The living expenses for a single individual in Canada, excluding education costs, are now estimated to be over $2,000 per month. A lot of students reside in homestays, which can cost between $700 and $1000 per month.

  • Study Cost of Studying in Canada

Study cost depends on the program you select. Bachelor’s programs cost around $5000 to $20,000 annually, Master’s Programs $7000 to $25,000, and Ph.D. Programs $5000 to $15,000.

Available Grants Scholarships for Bangladeshi Students

There are plenty of grants available for Bangladeshi students. If you are looking to pursue an undergraduate degree, you might get a scholarship of up to $60,000.

The scholarships are classified as follows:

  • Entrance Scholarships
  • Merit-based Scholarships
  • Need-based grants by college
  • Private / Organizational Scholarships
  • Provincial Government Scholarships
  • Commonwealth Scholarships
  • Tuition fee waivers

Benefits of Studying in Canada for Bangladeshi Students 

The benefits of Bangladeshi students studying in Canada are many. Some of them are —

  • You can apply for you and your family right after the completion of one year program along with gaining one-year work experience. 
  • Your spouse is eligible for an Open Work Permit, and your dependent children are eligible for free enrollment at public schools.
  • If you and your family need medical care while studying abroad, don't worry—Canada provides free healthcare!
  • It's a safe country with a low crime rate that's ideal for raising a family.
  • Students who study abroad in Canada will also enjoy a high quality of life thanks to the country's booming economy.
  • Working in Canada provides you with the same privileges as a citizen, as well as good pay and a pleasant working atmosphere.

What are The Best Places to Study in Canada for Bangladeshi Students?

As Bangladeshi students, you should try out places like —


Overall, studying in Canada is a great option for Bangladeshi students. It has a variety of different educational options for prospective students. This country offers plenty of payment options and opportunities to explore more than just your degree throughout the duration of your stay. 

We believe a guideline to study in Canada for Bangladeshi students can help you find your way to the new life-long journey of your dream to study over there.

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